
Do you really know what your audience wants?

Do you really know what your audience wants?

Four publications showed Dataharvest 2022 how they do it.

The title of this blog post was the title of a session Qurio co-founder Tassos Morfis led during this year’s Dataharvest European Investigative Journalism Conference.

But first a few things about the conference.

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International Journalism Festival 2022 – The Qurio Way

International Journalism Festival 2022 – The Qurio Way

Audience Engagement related takeaways from IJF ‘22

Few weeks ago we attended the International Journalism Festival in Perugia. It’s the largest journalism conference with more than 400 speakers and a truly international audience. We came back to base with lots of inspiration, new contacts, and a reality check that enhanced our drive to keep building Qurio. If you just landed here, Qurio is an engagement management platform that helps small and medium-sized news organizations build relationships with their communities.

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Local newsrooms are pillars of a local community, they should act more like that

Local newsrooms are pillars of a local community, they should act more like that

This post was originally published on Medium.

When I started writing this article I felt that each word brought the next one like a chain unraveling inside my Google Docs (please excuse me, otherwise fascinating Medium editor!). To be honest, I shouldn’t be that surprised, since I’ve been thinking a lot about what you are about to read for quite some time before I finally sat down and put them into (digital) paper.

Continue reading “Local newsrooms are pillars of a local community, they should act more like that”